Susie and fishermen. Stills from ongoing documentary 2021.


Working on the trawlers has always been particularly hard, especially so for international offshore workers. Whilst essential to the fishing industries continued productivity in the UK, resources for these men have been limited, often making a job that is already renowned for it’s high risks much more difficult. Susie has been working to relieve some of these hardships for the men, providing a safe base at the Bayview.

While primarily providing accommodation, Susie also works a regular food run that delivers essential goods directly to the crew on the fishing boats. The specialty food is sourced from African and Asian stores in Aberdeen, Derby and internet. Having access to their own home foods makes the harsh conditions the men work in a little more comfortable.

How your donations could help

One of the main goals of this fundraiser is to be able to raise enough to purchase a vehicle to make Susie’s work easier, safer, and more efficient. Here are the ways the van will be used:

● Food deliveries: Susie needs capacity for large scale food deliveries of food such as: Gari, rice, specialty chillies, soy sauce, dried mung beans, dried plantain flour, Fu Fu, banku mix, Abuja bread and plenty more for the international fishing crews.

● The vehicle would also be used to transport fishermen from their arrival destinations which can be as far afield as Heathrow.

The Bayview is a social enterprise, there is little profit on the food (which is paid for out of the Skippers budget), but it means a great deal to the men and skippers to have access to their own home cooked food.

The fund will also help keep the Bayview building running. The Bayview was purchased in 2016 as a derelict building and the improvement and renovation of the structure / accomodation is ongoing. The goodwill of many of the local people, who have donated time and materials, has been essential to the Bayview’s enduring tenure as a sanctuary for countless workers who are forced to face the precarities of their occupation daily.

The fund will be hugely beneficial to Susie and the migrant crews that fish the NE coast and depend on her continued support and kindness.

Please follow the link to the GoFundMe page to found out more.